Collection: Household, Kitchen and BBQ Goods

Upgrading common, everyday household items to more sustainable, eco-friendly versions can slash your exposure to icky toxins and help the planet, too. 

At The Rancho and Butcher Shop, like at our home, we avoid toxic metal and plastic tools, filters, chemical pesticides, cookware, rendering kettles, stock pots, production spoons, etc.  We work hard everyday to be a  Zero Waste, Ecological Operation.  We are currently phasing out all "Food Grade" Plastic Containers, Wrappers, Bags, to better honor the creation and contribute to a better environment.  Our meat Vacuum Seal Bags have always been Biodegradable (in 26 months), and soon all jars and bottles will be reusable glass!

All of our workers efforts as well as yours (our valued customer) take a step back if we end up cooking and/or storing our precious foods in toxic pans and containers. 

The Household and Kitchen Goods project was born, along with Artisans and Handcrafters in an effort to bring you non-toxic cookware and storage, to keep harmful chemicals out of your food for a safe and healthy kitchen.  You will find eco-friendly cleaners, soaps, pest control, amongst many items ton this new "isle" of The Collective, Ranchers, Farmers and Crafters Market!

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